Monetize videos to earn income

YouTube is one of the social platforms that have a large number of users worldwide. Since its birth, many people began to make use of it to upload their own audiovisual creations, so that they could be seen by many other people, being only part of their entertainment.

But times have changed and now this dynamic relationship between creators and audience has become a source of income, which has led to the monetization of videos.

What is monetizing videos?

The monetization of videos is carried out through YouTube patners, which are simply content creators, so if you want to get money with your videos, the first thing you need to do is be part of this group of creators; Registering to later log in to your channel and being identified with a certain profile.

How to monetize videos?

To obtain an economic profit through the videos you publish within the YouTube platform, it is necessary that you meet a series of prerequisites.

Among them are the policies of this type of page, that your country of origin has availability within the partner program, have at least 4,000 hours of videos played during the last year and have more than 1,000 subscribers.

As you upload videos to the YouTube platform, they begin to gain visits from followers and people who like your video, because they like your video, this will eventually be what will allow you to be part of the partner program or content creator later.

monetize videos

Steps to monetize videos using ads

If you are already part of the YouTube monetization program, you can start to take advantage of it financially for your benefit. You just have to enter the platform from, in the menu on the left select a video of your authorship and click on “monetize”, also choosing the type of ad that you allow to be published in it, accepting and saving your selection.

It is possible to monetize all YouTube videos, but you have to be the owner of its commercial rights and make sure that the content is completely original.

Copyright is an element especially protected by YouTube, since they are part of the property of the content of a video, even to use music within your audiovisual composition you must have the permission of its creator or be created by you in a way Independent.

All videos can be monetized, we are talking about tutorials, musicals, short films, interviews, documentaries, home recordings and everything you can think of within social norms and respecting human rights.

If you create it to be unique and original, you can upload it to the YouTube platform and as soon as you have the conditions to be part of its creators program, you can begin to obtain economic income during each of the visits that users make to your video.

Applause for monetizing videos

As many of you surely already know, under the videos it is common to find buttons such as “I like” or “I do not like” in order to know the opinion of the audience regarding what is observed in the video; but since the beginning of 2020 an additional button called “Applaud” was added.

When the user clicks on this button, they are buying applause that is sent to the creator of the video, as a way to indicate that they liked it, but being accompanied by a certain donation that implies a cost of 1.85 euros, of which 30% is assigned to the YouTube platform, while 70% is destined to be a monetization as part of your video, for the creator of it.

Many YouTube fans want to stand out and have their messages seen above others, for this they can acquire a super chat or stickers, by investing a certain amount of money, which will also be divided between the creator and YouTube.

Like this, there are some other ways to monetize videos through premium memberships and programs; offering a library of products where a series of brands stand out or through commercial alliances, employing the most prominent youtubers and making videos where to place products that reach sales records in the world.

In short, the ways to monetize videos on YouTube can be innumerable, either through advertising, Ads or any other means, activating your monetization within this platform is one of the most profitable ways to obtain income today.